Origin of Lipstick

In the days of ancient Tiongko, especially in the Tang Dynasty, there are seven steps in making cosmetics for beautiful women: foundation, apply color to the face, eye brow coloring, applying the "gold color on the forehead", painting the mortar, adorn the cheeks and applying lipstick, which became the forerunner of today's modern lipstick.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, the lips are the mirror of one's character and temperament. Makeup lips had a long history and have different patterns at different periods.

It is believed that the makeup lip was originally done in religious rituals. As time passed, people realized that it bisamenghidupkan spirit of a person and sometimes can even express one's social status. As a result, the different ingredients for beauty products lip continuously developed and used to create and bright red lips, makeup art form.

Beauty products lip in ancient China which is usually called a lip balm, as recorded by the Chinese dictionary entitled Shiming written by Liu Xi in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-AD220).

Lipstick did not at first like a lipstick that we see today, but form a paste that is placed in a specific container. After the Sui Dynasty (589 AD - 618 AD) and Tang, some lip polish processed into solids, printed in some form. Because it is easy to carry anywhere, this new kind of quickly gaining popularity. Production of polished lips did not experience major innovations of modern times just now starting to be held innovation.

Lipstick in ancient China also contains a fantastic scent. In the Northern dynasties (AD 386-AD 581) raw materials of lip polish, among others, Ageratum and cloves. In the Tang Dynasty, artificial flavors are added to the polished lip.
