Japanese Mythology

Folklore is now called the Japanese mythology, is almost entirely based on the stories contained in the Kojiki, Nihonshoki, and Fudoki from various provinces in Japan. In other words, Japanese mythology largely revolved around us (god or the chief god), inhabitants of Takamanohara (Takaamahara, or Takamagahara), and few sources of written literature that can be used as reference.

In ancient times, every region in Japan is estimated to have a kind of belief in various forms and folklore. Along with the expansion of Yamato Empire, various kinds of trust adapted into Kunitsugami or "god is worshiped" that looks to be almost uniform, and all gathered into the "mythology Takamanohara". Meanwhile, the region and the residents who arrived in the next century is not controlled by the Imperial Japanese Yamato or other central government, such as Ainu Tribe and the Ryukyu Islands, each also has its own mythology.

In medieval Japan developed medieval mythology (Chūsei Nihongi) with different content from the previous mythology. Japanese mythology medieval remains guided by Nihonshoki but developed to be very different from the original version. Japanese mythology is found in an epic medieval battle like Taiheiki, books versification and annotations, as well as a variety of Engi (book records the origins and history of the Buddhist temples and Shinto).

In Japanese mythology, medieval times, our various in Kojiki and Nihonshoki based on the theory Honji suijaku recognizable as a temporary manifestation of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or are considered equal. In addition, the mythology of medieval Japan mixed with elements drawn from art and folklore, mythology various regions, as well as displaying the level of sainthood and objects that do not exist in the Kojiki and Nihonshoki.

In the mid-Edo period, Motoori Norinaga wrote a book called Kojiki-den with a view to interpret the contents of Kojiki to its conclusion. This book is causing major source of Japanese mythology Nihonshoki be shifted from Kojiki and this situation lasted until now.

Summary of plot

Creation of the world

World began in Takamanohara, there was born a variety of us like Kotoamatsukami and Kaminoyonanayo. We are born most recently are the two brothers Izanagi (Izanaki) and Izanami

Izanagi and Izanami

Izanagi and Izanami down in Ashihara no Kuni Nakatsu, married, and in succession gave birth to the islands that make up the Japanese archipelago called Yashima. After the birth of us, Izanami died from severe burns during childbirth Kagutsuchi (god of fire). After killing Kagutsuchi, Izanagi went to the land of Yomi to seek and to save Izanami. Once in the country Yomi, turned into a frightening form of Izanami. Izanagi Izanami who saw the figure to be running scared.

Izanagi undergo misogi (bath) because they do not like the dirtiness (kegare) that carry over from Yomi. When do misogi, Izanagi gave birth too a number of us, when washing the left eye was born Amaterasu (the sun god, ruler Takamanohara), while the right eye washing born Tsukuyomi (god of the moon, the ruler of the night), and when washing the nose of birth Susanoo (ruler of the ocean). Thirdly we are called Mihashira no Uzu no Miko, and received orders from Izanagi to take over the world.